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Planned economy and AI:

§ The planned economy of the USSR was not, but was distributive:

The ideas of the original Marxists did not coincide with their implementation in the USSR - including those regarding economic planning.
Although the ideas of the Marxists were very undeveloped and not concretized, the theorists of Marxism had in mind not so much the expansion of production according to the plan, but rather its development.

§ "Planning" in the USSR was not planning:

" GosPlan of the USSR" was not engaged in planning the development of production, but in the movement and distribution of products.
That is, "Planning" in the USSR was not planning, but distribution.
So it happened - historically, when in the 1920s - in the Kremlin, the harvest and the products of the factories were divided.

§ The origins of the "Planned" economy:

In the 1920s in the USSR, it was beneficial for the bosses to present the Command Economy as a planned one. - The bosses received all the means of production at their disposal.

Also in 1991, under the pretext of abolishing communism, the bosses did not abolish the "Planned" economy, but carried out privatization - in the absence of democracy and, accordingly, the absence of control mechanisms - in order to get the means of production already into their own ownership.

§ The distribution economy ruined the USSR:

The main reason for the death of communism and the USSR was precisely the false-planned economy - the uncontested consolidation of supply chains.
The advantage of the "market" economy over the false-planned one was in fact - in the freedom of exchange choice by manufacturers of suppliers and consumers.

§ The possibility of Perestroika in the USSR was - in the independence of the manufacturer:

The recipe for solving the "Food Problem" in the USSR was simple. -
- Allow to freely sell agricultural products - to the collective farms themselves - without the dictates of the state. bosses and "leaders" of the CPSU.
The form of ownership, freedom of pricing and "planning" - were already 2-degree factors.
The problem was that Perestroika was carried out - the beneficiaries - the authorities themselves - the culprit of the gigantic losses in agriculture.

USSR was ruined by the fact that Gorbachev liberalized the local authorities from the Central, instead of liberalizing the producers.
At the same time, it was even possible to maintain control over prices - to legalize not deliveries, but delivery prices. And the authorities in this case could only act as an arbiter, and not as an off-system central distributor.

§ Freedom of enterprise was in the USSR too:

Both the USSR and the USA showed successful examples of planning - programs for the development of various types of weapons.
- Military corporations in the USSR for the implementation of promising military developments were given the freedom of entrepreneurship - the freedom to choose suppliers.

The spontaneity of the "market" economy is manifested not only in the spontaneity of the flow of goods, which leads to periodic crises, but also in the spontaneity of technological development.
The disadvantage of planning technological development is not planning itself as such, but its insufficiency - imperfection.

§ Invention planning is possible:

The prevailing opinion about the impossibility of planning technological development is erroneous. - Private, single inventions are really impossible to plan.
However, the larger, more complex the complex of inventions, the better it lends itself to planning.

§ Planning - technological development becomes the main thing - with the use of AI :

The role of other components of the Economic Development Strategy (Formation of benchmarks for investors, Macroeconomic policy) is declining.
In addition, bottom-up planning becomes more efficient, and the use of "Participatory" or "Deliberative" democracy in production decisions ( Focus Groups , Citizens' Juries, Initiative Budgets or Consensus Meetings). conferences )).

§ AI - technology development strategist:

Until now, computers have been used only for clarifying calculations.
- Tasks were set only by a man.
However, man is a very poor strategist. More precisely, they are extremely inefficient for setting goals - organizing people.
In the near future, AI will be able to plan scientific and technological research much more efficiently than humans.
It is this application of AI that is most cost-effective.
Of course, it is wrong to say that "AI is capable of planning" - tasks, for now, will still be set - by a person.
However, a person will be able to set tasks - in a very abstract way - in formulations using concepts that require "General Intelligence".
The nature of the tasks that a person sets is already changing - not "calculate a specific nuclear power plant", but "indicate - what, in what direction - it is better for us, people to do it."

An example of missed areas of research that AI can find:
Neutron Fusion Power Plant Project.docx

§ "Communism" will win - in "capitalist" corporations:

The Marxists were right, in essence, but their attempt at planning was premature.
This was one of the reasons why the communists made extensive use of violence and legalization, the imposition of economic planning.

The development of AI will make technology development planning competitive, efficient and profitable.
True, this planning will be implemented not by the communists, but by large "capitalist" corporations.

§ Even an almost 100% plan can be combined with 100% freedom:

The reliability of predicting optimal technological development - in the age of AI - can be very high.
If the information is open at the same time, then it is simply beneficial for counterparties to stick to the score in the "orchestra".
Today it is optimal - the absence of control, its replacement is simple - open calculation, optimal modeling.
Part of the reliability of a forecast is its robustness. – Laws can be optimized with real-time monitoring so that speculative counterparties turn out to be suicidal.

Gosplan controlled the financial movement.
Today, 100% decentralization of finance is optimal.

§ Freedom is relative

The director of a plant in the USSR in 1937 also had the freedom of choice - either to be shot, but to do it effectively, or to execute an ineffective command from above.

The inflexibility of the command economy ruined the USSR. -
It was easier for factories to create subsistence farming than to wait for permission from the State Planning Committee to outsource.

§ "Communism" is more dangerous:

The threat of using AI to manipulate people seems to have little to do with "ownership" - whether the AI will use a communist- pseudo-people state or "capitalist" corporations.
The use of AI by a pseudo-people's state, on the contrary, is more dangerous, because with the separation of political structures from economic ones, control over the use of AI will be carried out by people more effectively.

§ Economic superiority will not matter:

Even if technological development planning provides faster economic growth for China, for example, it will not matter compared to the growing threat from the use of AI as a psychic weapon.
The Marxists were wrong about the "absolute impoverishment of the proletariat."
For the "proletariat" the problem of survival will be incomparably more important than the problem of enrichment.
True, this is only - objectively. – Manipulation using AI will successfully motivate the “proletariat” to care only about their career and enrichment, but not about their existence in the future.

§ "Deliberative Network", "Servants of the People" and investments:

Today, investments through investment companies and brokers are popular.
However, in authoritarian countries (and not only) this is one of the main areas of state fraud .

§ Example: "Qualified Investor":

- The Russian concept - in authoritarian countries like Russia - is one of the tools of political and economic manipulation with the help of pseudo- "regulation" of the securities market, or rather its monopolization by the group that seized power.
There is also psychic manipulation. - A false identity of the concepts " Permitted " and "Qualified" is suggested.
The English equivalent of this concept is " Accredited investor " (Accredited Investor) does not carry such a deceptive meaning.

The idea is to develop a free decentralized institution of investment analytics - dependent only on people.
Moreover, for the benefit of the people, he must disclose - political factors, in particular, restrictions on economic freedom, and give political recommendations for coordinating collective actions.

§ Deep investment analysis / Deep invest analysis:

By it I mean - a deep technological analysis - for investment.
Today "professional" investors are very superficial and unprofessional.
- They do not optimize the organization of the study of technological factors of investment, but rely on the conclusions of equally non-professional "scientists".
DAI (Distributed Artificial Intelligence) is able to significantly increase the effectiveness of Deep Investment Analysis - today.