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Democratization versus Migration:

The reason for migration to Europe and the USA is poverty and unemployment in the countries of the South.
The cause of poverty and unemployment in the states of the South is corruption and monopoly.
There is a solution that can stop migration - the creation of Free Political Zones (FPZ) under the control of Northern NGOs - in territories leased from the states of the South.
Among the many states of the South, one can find countries that will provide a place without rent, since it is beneficial for governments to reduce social pressure.
On the 2nd side, the SDR can be an experimental platform, a model for the countries of the South to create prosperous societies.
On the 3rd side, SDR can be an Islamic state, the main reason for the emergence of which is the failure of all development projects of Islamic states.
However, at the 1st stage, it is necessary to design, virtual simulation of the SDR, taking into account national cultures, with the free participation of the intelligentsia of the countries of the South.
For the design of the NDR, it is necessary to create a non-governmental Deliberative Network, since the "democratic" governments of the North are not interested in eliminating the causes of illegal migration. Instead, they engage in demagogy and propaganda.
The 1st development of the Deliberative Network should be - an effective political education program + counter-propaganda , explaining to the people of Africa that in order to personally earn $ 1,000 / year they need to spend conditionally 1 year - on vocational education, but for a collective income of $ 1,000 / year - with the help of the created "franchising " - an online network - only 0.5 years - for political education.


Migrant Education - Project:

We offer a solution to the problem of illegal migration to Europe.
This Project is an addition to the Project" Freedom Ark "

Yes, migrants hope to take advantage of the "ready-made" living conditions that Europeans have been preparing for centuries.
It is no longer disputed that the first factor in Europe's wealth is democracy.
It would seem - build the same society as in Europe in your homeland, and live richly too.
However, this is not within the power of each individual migrant.

We suggest NGOs to develop a program of training for migrants - political or professional.
- Democratic, organized politicians will be able to reduce the wealth gap between their homeland and Europe. And then economic migrants from their homeland will not aspire to Europe.
- Specialists will be in demand on the labor market in their homeland or in another country of the 3rd world.

On the 1st side, there are numerous educational foundations, sponsors.
There are numerous democratic NGOs in Europe.
On the second hand, the vast majority of migrants are young people, not stupid - in order to overcome all obstacles and get to Europe, one must be not stupid.
On the third hand, the vast majority of migrants are willing to work. It is not their fault that Europe still has its own unemployment.

Extraterritorial training:

Studying is also work. The vast majority of migrants will voluntarily agree to study - receiving a scholarship, and a personal perspective.
The difference between work and study lies in the fact that jobs are located in Europe, and a place of study for migrants can be created outside the European Union, or in Europe, but where migrant students will not encounter European residents, for example, on one from dozens of uninhabited Greek islands.
There is no need for European teachers who will teach migrants to move to Greece. - In recent years, quite effective methods of distance learning have been developed.
Those migrants who do not agree to study will be able to use the infrastructure of the Migrant Islands for remote work in Europe.

Without social - vocational education is ineffective.

In conditions of monopoly education does not solve the problem of unemployment and corruption.
- It's just that people with scientific degrees are already starting to fight for cheap jobs.
However, if education is focused on building a healthy society, on overcoming the demagogy that serves as the basis of unemployment and corruption, then true economic growth will occur, expressed in the growth of the well-being of workers.
Social education is not the training of traditional lawyers and economists who can only work within the existing system, but it is education that gives the ability to value alternative systems - truly liberal, non-monopolistic ones.

CSS and social education:

Alternative education must be based on alternative social science.
Before teaching how to build a free, non-monopoly society resistant to demagoguery, it is necessary first to create a system in which the relevant science will develop effectively.

Social education is training in the social-information technologies of the Discworld.
It is not the thoughtless cramming of "Mao's quotes", and it is not the mental mutilation of children, which is worse than the physical rape of all the children of authoritarian Russia.

Man is a "program"; "Social being determines consciousness":

When racists compare "whites" and "blacks", people and monkeys, they mainly consider the "material part"
On the 2nd side, when they talk about Artificial Intelligence, they mainly consider Software.
Yes, the material basis is important, but the essence of a person is created by his upbringing.
Mowgli - the son of the most high-browed racist will not do anything useful.

Analogy: Computer:

In pre-computer - analog and mechanical computing devices, "programs" (instincts) were half "wired" into "iron".
But on the basis of these devices it is impossible to build AI (Artificial Intelligence)
On modern computers, you can run any program.

So are people. “Early hominids were more instinctive.
In the brain of people of the modern type, you can "download" almost any "program " - culture.
Hardwired programs - instincts are predominantly required - for self-programming.
- A person is able to master the culture even without educators - just living in this social environment.
On the 1st side, the programming process (education) does not require the mandatory participation of a programmer.
On the 2nd side, he

Aberrations of Science:

The tabooing of racist topics in science harms, first of all, the "blacks" themselves.
Scientific analysis of the reasons why Africa remains in the Malthusian trap is largely hampered by taboos in science, ostrich political correctness.
Social science lacks introspection of its aberrations.
In particular, the analysis of the influence of the political system on science is insufficient.
The subject matter of science is somewhat different.

A racist is not one who admits that "blacks" are dumber than "whites", but one who draws the organizational conclusion from this that blacks should be discriminated against.
Man is not the one who is "smarter", but the one who is more humane.

Intelligent Animals:

1000 years ago, the inhabitants of the Faroe Islands were starving. And so they ate dolphins.
But today they kill dolphins just to nurture their animal instincts.
2000 years ago, the Germanic tribes were starving because they did not have enough land.
But today the Nazis start wars simply because they are animals, and even worse because they are intellectual.