Divine works

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Islamic Non-State - Project:

We do not believe that this is the best solution, but we believe that it should be discussed, calculated, modeled.

Our goal is the preservation of humanity.
Does this goal conflict with the goals of Islam?
Is a hybrid of Islamism possible with 100% freedom, 100% absence of coercion, violence and hierarchy?
possible to modify the norms of Sharia - according to its "spirit"?
- Each Hadith has a purpose and meaning, and is not written just for the ritual.
possible to achieve the goals of Shariah more effectively by changing its norms - for the adequacy of modern conditions and threats?

Islamism cannot be defeated by fighting. An alternative is needed.
The experience of the Islamic State has shown its relevance among the people. And not only Eastern, but also Western.

§ American democracy is unsustainable:

The Taliban defeated America not because Afghanistan has a different civilization, culture or people, but because the American model of democracy degenerates into a fictitious corrupt pseudo- democracy in almost any slightly different conditions - in Afghanistan, in Libya, in Russia, in Latin America.
American democracy is unsustainable even from the US itself. -
Trump was a warning. Already the first application of psychic AI in the 2040s and 50s will turn America into Russia.
"You have to run just to stay put" today.
It is necessary not to impose yesterday's models on the Islamic world, but to help it find its own democratic options.

§ Ecologists = hypocrites:

Any Consumerism is anti -ecological .
Fans who don't fly in airplanes, because they emit a lot of carbon dioxide, are often addicted to Western shopping at the same time, while the production and delivery of components and goods emit much more carbon dioxide.

§ Unfree West:

"Free" Western people are not free - they are too dependent on their own passions and represent a fertile kidney for future manipulations using AI.
The United States is as sick with violence as the Islamic State.

§ For cultural diversity:

Only cultural and political diversity can save humanity .
Newspeak propagandists reduce culture to the fact that in one ethnic group they prefer to play the balalaika, and in the other - the saxophone.
What really matters is political culture.
So, for example, most of the participants in the ATO (Anti-Terrorist Operation) who die in the war with the Russian "volunteers" are adherents of the "Russian World".
If Putin is removed tomorrow, nothing will change in Russia - Putinism is supported by the Russian people themselves, their culture.

The cultures most resistant to manipulation have developed in northern Europe. (In Germany, however, the price of this was too high).
However, they are not enough - for survival - due to the accelerating development of manipulatory AI.
- It is necessary to create "artificial" social cultures, using the modern possibilities of the same AI - by concentrating carriers of useful cultures in individual Communities.
Moreover, this concentration can even be virtual too. – It is only important that these Communities be full-fledged in the sense of economic and political autonomy.

§ Historicity of non-hierarchical communities:

There is no need to construct non-hierarchical communities from scratch.
Humanity has a huge corresponding experience.
"The state and anti-state principles competed with each other, giving rise to ever new forms of lifestyle."

§ Example: Zomia :

The Kachinas have a tradition of killing chieftains who have become too authoritarian.
lahu purposefully reject the organization of settlements larger than the family farm.
Zomians succeeded in preserving many pre-state features of the social structure.
Nomadic agriculture. – Having harvested the crop, the Zomians went with it to a hard-to-reach area.
Today, for neo -tribes, the best is a sea nomad camp.
"The term ' Zomia ' may exist as a metaphor for a specific order without a state."

§ Benefits of Traditional Societies:

The cult of pleasure has indeed corrupted Western societies.
The benefit and advantage of traditional societies over Western ones lies in not being pampered, not being spoiled by Consumerism .

On the first hand, cultural diversity is the key to the survival of Civilization and humanity in the face of the threat of using AI to manipulate people.
On the second hand, it is traditional cultures that are less susceptible to the temptations used for manipulation.

Yes, a significant basis of traditional cultures is violence, coercion and lack of freedom.
However, a lot of representatives of traditional societies will retain their orientation towards a meaningful, not aimless life, even in conditions of absolute freedom, perhaps more than representatives of Western societies - in conditions of absolute material asceticism.

§ Ideology is a substitute for violence:

What can be the basis of "order" and organization instead of violence? - Ideology.
Which large group of people on Earth has the greatest ideological commitment? - Muslims.

For the survival of humanity, free Afghans are more valuable than Americans.

In the USSR in the 1950s, there was a low level of violence.
The main factor in this phenomenon was the high ideology of the Soviet people.

Free communities must be 100% open. - Sociology and psychology - their research is welcome and should be maximum. - Precisely because they are "artificial". However, for a person, artificial is natural.

§ Religiosity is a culture:

Propagandists expose religiosity as beliefs, although religiosity is, first of all, a culture.
The Islamic State was an experience. Negative, violent, but - experience.
In a certain sense, even useful. - Foolish people have to learn from mistakes - their own.

§ Non-ritual spirituality:

Even Christ criticized the hypocrisy of the swindlers of the clergy, who formally accurately perform the rituals, but at the same time are able to emasculate their purpose and meaning.
Enlightenment, education of people today is useful, first of all, in order to understand the meaning of prescriptions.
Rituals are not appropriate today:
1. People today can act guided not by instincts and reflexes, but by reason.
2. Rituals are a means of manipulation - today.

§ I am a conservative - in a spiritual sense:

"Radicals" often turn out to be just unconstructive nihilists who justify their senseless egoism with the shortcomings inherent in conservatism.
I never, even in childhood, was fond of music, dancing, girls, etc., did not attach any importance to them, because. didn't see the point in them.
I have always disliked entertainment as an end in itself.
I have never in my life been not only in a pub - even in a cafe - for "rest", I have never watched sporting events as a fan.
I started watching movies - lately. But I do it - only out of desperation and weakness - because I can't do important things - I can't create the Deliberative Network, the Divine Enterprise and the Ark of Freedom, I can't find unanimous people.

My way of life has always corresponded to the most rigid norms of Islamism, despite the fact that I have always been an agnostic - only because I have always had a very serious attitude towards life.
I am a conservative - in the sense of self-discipline. But at the same time, I don’t force myself at all - I’m just not interested in activities in which I don’t feel a deep meaning - for humanity.


§ Radicalism:

Under conditions of radically exponentially growing civilizational instability, only radical cultural changes in individual Communities can save humanity from destruction.

Radicalism means only the intention to transform or replace the fundamental principles of a society or political system.
That is, radicalism as such has no content. The content, as a rule, is negative, they are attributed to him - propagandists of the path to the radical death of mankind in the near future.
Any high-benefit, high-efficiency social activity is radical -
in the 1st, because it leads to significant changes,
secondly, since high performance is impossible without changes in fundamental principles.


§ Anarchism

Islamism is dangerous precisely through the use of violence.
Anarchism is non-violence, so anarchist Islamism is purely divine.

If people misbehave, they punish themselves.
Punishing them means misbehaving too.

§ Islamic guardianship:

But who will protect Muslims from criminals and rapists?
Well, if the police are Christian countries.

State prisons do not re-educate criminals, but, on the contrary, they educate them, especially in dictatorial states.
- In the latter, it is not the "cops" who re-educate the criminals, but the criminals who re-educate the "cops" into cynical "werewolfs".
Prisons do not re-educate, but punish criminals, intimidate the population and, to some extent, isolate them from taxpayers - in "democratic" states.
But what to do with criminals without state prisons, minimizing violence?

There are no pagan savages left today in the information age.
But in fact, spiritually - pagans are - pseudo-criminals about "Muslims".
It is best to re-educate criminals - the best Muslims - with minimal restrictions on the freedom of criminals.
Take over specific criminals - personal custody.

Today, in the information age, it is difficult for a criminal to hide.
Another thing is that the monitoring of the criminal and his education should be 100% transparent, and the procedures should be democratic.
With the help of today's IT tools used in democratic mechanisms, abuses can be reduced to zero.
In a healthy society, there should be more righteous Muslims who can take custody of immature souls than criminals.




Islamic Feminism:

The Islamists say they don't want any "freedoms" for themselves, that they only want to do housework.
A good Islamist, on the other hand, makes sure that unfree women are happy.

The problem is that it's impossible to get everyone to be good Islamists.
And the situation of lack of freedom and lack of rights is very provoking for abuse.
When abused in conditions of lawlessness, it is difficult for a woman to find protection.
a righteous judgment protect the offended ?
- A righteous judge often has to choose between defending and keeping the conditions, and often he chooses to keep the conditions.
Usually it all comes down to persuading a bad Islamist not to be bad, and a woman to endure.

The problem is that in the society in which the Islamists live, not everyone wants the same order as they do.
And Islamists are forced to resort to violence to maintain their order.

Democratic conditions are needed precisely for the effective protection of rights.
That is, they provide not "sweeping problems under the carpet" with the help of deceit, but their solution.
At the same time, democracy is quite compatible with Islam.
- If the Islamists really do not want any "freedoms" for themselves, then let them live like that - without coercion.
Islamists may well coexist with non-Islamists.
Islamists may well find a compromise arrangement with non-Islamists that will enable Islamists to live the way they want while effectively protecting the rights of non-Islamists.

By non-Islamists, I mean not "pagans", but including Muslims who do not share with the Islamists their views on the methods of maintaining "order".
The Quran also does not explicitly prescribe such methods. That is, democratic Islam is quite possible.

Western rulers have their own interests, and they often speculate on the protection of human rights - to pursue their interests.
Therefore, people need to develop their own norms, without waiting for either the Islamist rulers to develop the norms or for the Western rulers to defend them.
Islam is quite compatible with democracy.
Why are there Christian Democrats but no Islamic Democrats?

The market will do more than all the feminists put together -
Islamists dream of having boys - "Thank God I was not born a woman." - In a society of men, the value of a woman will increase dramatically.
At the same time, the growth of the Islamist population will stop. The ways of the Lord are inscrutable.
("Japanese scientists have discovered a fantastically simple method for choosing the sex of a child")

§ Islam and Survival:

§ The first does not mean the best:

The fact that the West came to democracy first does not mean that it can serve as a model.
With the long process of liberalization, Christian culture was greatly deformed.
Conservative cultural values can be very useful for the survival of a Civilization.
Western selfishness, cynicism, promiscuity through long dominance, and being spoiled by wealth greatly interfere with democracy itself.
They also force the use of violence to protect people, create conditions for surveillance and for the isolation of rulers.
Christ said that the former oppressed, in that strength, Islamic peoples will inherit the Earth.

§ Haram on AI:

Despite technological backwardness, the high religiosity of the Islamic civilization can give it a significant advantage with the adoption of the taboo on the use of AI to manipulate people.