Divine works

eng deu рус

Make power unprofitable:

§ "Public Redline":

The propagandists use the beautiful myth of the "Social Contract".
This is a myth because it does not contain the terms of the contract.
And, nevertheless, there is "Public consent" to endure what the authorities impose.
The best method would be, of course, for the working people to understand economics and politics themselves, with the help of the Servants of the People and scientific priests .
However, this is unrealistic. - Propaganda is getting stronger.
Unfortunately, only "Protest feedback" works.
It is necessary to formulate "Public Redlines":
These are, for example, massacres, similar to those practiced, for example, in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, torture in Belarus.

§ "Financial Compensation":

This is a very simple counter-propaganda and effective method of "feedback" in a dictatorship - convincing the population that "theft" from an organized thieves' group is not theft, but a good deed.
For example, it is non-payment of "taxes". – Propaganda claims that taxes are necessary for hospitals and schools. However:
1. "Taxes" in a dictatorship are tribute, not taxes. It is necessary to implement the principle - "No taxes without real representation"
2. Only a small proportion of "taxes" goes to the sick and students, most of it goes to terror. Yes, and money is spent on "education" - not for enlightenment, but for "brainwashing" of children, which is worse than their corruption.
3. It is tribute that is theft, more precisely, robbery, backed up by violence, and not concealment of one's property.
4. A worker is not obliged to make excuses when he does not pay for " public services ". - The burden of proof of financial settlements lies - on the authorities. She must first prove this by revealing financial data and the monopoly conditions of her "sponsors" associated with her.

§ CSS Direction:

One direction of CSS could be:
Research on ways to increase the effectiveness of the total "Financial feedback", taking into account the factors of counter-propaganda and accessibility for implementation.

§ Analogue: "Non-violent resistance" Gandhi in India:

This is similar to "Financial Feedback"
It made colonialism simply financially unprofitable.

§ Distributed taxes:

Hierarchy and economic inequality are not a threat in and of themselves.
The most realistic and non-utopian is not so much to reduce them, but to reduce the threat of human manipulation that they engender.

One of the foundations of democracy and the difference between "democratic" states and authoritarian ones is the degree of distribution of taxes.
- In Europe , the wealth of the rulers is created at the expense of the budget, which is formed mainly - from taxes that are paid - by the broad sections of citizens.
- In Russia, the wealth of the rulers is created at the expense of "sponsors".

The idea is to increase the proportion of the money the rulers receive from the population.
True, this idea requires already known methods of democratization, including the control of people over the use of taxes that are taken from them.
It is simply a more general formulation and a more fruitful approach.

The idea is to create a system in which it will be more profitable for rulers to receive money - from the general population.
And there are quite objective prerequisites for this:
1. The liberal democratic system is more economically efficient.
2. Reducing the cost of IT , and reducing the cost of a wide tax accounting.

§ What to do?:

1. Determine the amount of money that the group receives, for example, Putin.
2. Offer the Russians a System where their rulers will receive even more money, but from the people.

This method is based on the separation of power and economy.
- The authorities create monopoly conditions for profit, "exploitation", and the monopolists "sponsor" the authorities.

By the way, in Europe and the United States, it is also necessary to advocate for an increase in the money that politicians personally receive - from the population.
That is, it is necessary to reduce the gap in open income not between the population and billionaires, but between politicians and billionaires.

§ Analogue: The reason for the sharp impoverishment of Russians in the 1990s was the provocation of their struggle against the privileges of "nomenklatura" workers:

It has become more profitable for the "nomenklatura" party "workers" to organize propaganda - "privatization" than to rule in the old way.

In 1987, I already proposed to sharply increase the wages of party functionaries, more precisely, to make them piecework - depending only on the final result, even more precisely - to sharply increase the spread of earnings - up to negative confiscations.
Piecework indicators could be very simple, not requiring another instance that controls managers, for example - the absence of a commodity "deficit".




Equality without demagogy:

"The Squid Game" (Korean TV series) became an illustration of Liberalism brought to the point of absurdity.
According to Liberalism, it is enough just to protect the right of a person to choose, since everything else will be an inadmissible interference of the state in private life.

In the USSR, equality was maintained through extreme state violence.
Moreover, inequality was preserved - equality was maintained only between ordinary people.
True, the "wealth" of the nomenklatura workers could not be compared with the wealth of rich people in the "capitalist" West.

In the 1990s, post-Russia shied away, as is customary, to the other extreme - to the "freedom" of violence.
Moreover, the power of the state was preserved. - "Wild capitalism" was only - between ordinary people.

But is equality even possible without the state?
Religious communities show numerous examples of equality based on culture.
However, there is an unacceptable downside to equality based on such a culture. -
This is dogmatism.
Today, Russia has shied away to a new extreme - to replace violence with propaganda and manipulation.
This extreme is really new.
Her first precedent was in Nazi Germany. But he was unstable. -
Unsustainable was the primitive ideology used - racism.
The ideology of racism created instability not within Germany, but in the world - Germany opposed itself - the whole world and therefore was doomed.

Today, Russian (totalitarian) propaganda and manipulation can be much more advanced and based on the intellectual superiority of AI over humans.
Dogmatism is one of the methods of demagogy.

Inequality is not dangerous in itself, although it gives rise to excesses that are dangerous for many people.
Inequality is dangerous because it creates incentives and opportunities for society to move into a new stable - degenerate state, which will probably end soon - in 300 years, with the death of mankind.

However, the same AI makes it possible to realize equality without violence and without propaganda.
However, there is not enough time for the traditional cultural evolution of states. -
Demagogy is developing both in the US and Britain - in a more subtle form than in Russia.
Lack of censorship and democracy are necessary but far from sufficient conditions to avoid degeneration today.
Therefore, the only, apparently, the possibility of the survival of mankind is the creation - "Arks of Freedom" - the Federation of social experimental communities in which volunteers will try to increase resistance to demagogy using the same IT .

§ 2 ways increase economic inequalities :

They are used both in "democratic" and pseudo-democratic countries, only to varying degrees. This is:
1. Direct, "class" way. -
By increasing unemployment and competition among employees.
2. Monopolistic way. -
With the help of obstacles to free competition between entrepreneurs.
Due to the decrease in competition between employers, competition between employees is increasing.

However, both of these methods are interrelated.
There is a direct relationship between the degree of democracy and the degree of economic inequality in society.
If until now these mechanisms worked spontaneously, today cynical pseudo-economists purposefully deceive people with the help of demagogy.
If until now demagoguery was effective only in countries with developed institutions of demagoguery and propaganda, such as Hitler's Germany and the USSR, today, with cheaper technology, the effectiveness of demagoguery is growing all over the world.




Benefits of Monarchism:

I am an anti-monarchist.
However , monarchism has one advantage - monarchism limits the means of competition.

Man is selfish by nature.
The life of people consists of their competition among themselves.
And only 1% of history and only 1/10th of humanity does competition take "civilized" forms.
Normally, competition has always taken the form of war and genocide.
- Egoists grouped - for efficiency. – In an efficient group, there are more chances to leave more offspring.

If before they fought among themselves - relatively small clans = large families. Within the clans there were quite altruistic relations.
Then with the consolidation of groups of egoists -
- on the 1st side, families have narrowed; "big families" collapsed;
- on the 2nd side, the grouping of people into larger "families" = states has become purely tactical. - Competition within states has become as strong as outside them . The principle of people's life has become - man is a wolf to man.

True, monarchical norms made competition within the state more civilized.
- Unlimited competition within the state was not profitable for the monarch.

On the 1st side - The development of competition technologies has threatened the very existence of mankind.
On the 2nd side - Selfishness does not make sense. Orientation to maximum competition as the meaning of life people have inherited - from animals.

For some reason, a person calls himself reasonable.
It would be wise not to fight, but to agree among themselves to live in peace and cooperation.
It would be reasonable not to agree to the "social contract" imposed by the ruler to streamline competition - in the interests of the ruler, but to develop norms - by ourselves, excluding the rulers from the system altogether.

Unfortunately the man is ' homo non - sapience "/
Therefore, the only possibility for intelligent life and the survival of mankind in general is the creation of alternative Communities, which are built from scratch - by the people themselves.
In 1988, I participated in an attempt to create such a Community, unsuccessfully.
Today, I hope, it will be possible to find reasonable people who want to save humanity.