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Unchained Dating, Independent Activist Database - Project:

§ Problem:

One of the main reasons for the stability of pseudo-democracies and the potential instability of democratic societies is the " atomization " of the former and the lack of effective mechanisms for finding like-minded people to create independent political organizations.

§ Offer:

Create a P 2 P -Database of people, primarily from the 2nd world, in which people can store information about their respective interests.
About safety for these people:
a . The instructions of the political secret services are little oriented towards "researchers" who do not "overthrow the government."
b . Political intelligence services already have their own similar database.
c . The database will be focused on - search for cooperation. It will contain only Profiles of personal interests generated by tests, that is, search tags, but not manifestos and calls.
d . AI , controlled only from below, will help to filter out contacts - when additional contact information arrives - already in the process of dating.
A volunteer chosen only by the participant himself will also be able to warn him of unsafe and inappropriate information.

§ "Censorship from below":

Since the database will be - P 2 P , then the distributors who are of interest to you and me will be able to clean out trolls and fascists in their versions of the database.
Mailing from this participant to the addresses filtered for him will be carried out - automatically too - according to the AI protocol chosen by the participant from those developed by different Community groups.

There are many people who would rather receive spam in order not to miss valuable information.
AI is becoming more and more capable of isolating the useful signal from the noise.
only the user himself should manage this " AI -censor"
No one should decide for me what is spam.


Marriage Network, Soul Finder - Project:

§ Problem: Helpful people can't find "halves".

§ Example: Elon Musk is unhappy in love:

"I could no longer hide my boredom from the numerous receptions where women only smiled and men spoke " . ( Justin Wilson)
With a divorce, Musk's life went awry : both of his companies were on the verge of bankruptcy, he was in the deepest depression ... Friends decided to break away at the local Whiskey club mist . There, the Mask was introduced to the 22-year-old actress Talulu Riley .

- It's amazing how such a smart person marries by accident, so frivolously, and irresponsibly.
He understood how the connection with the actress, who was only a remedy for depression, would end.
Elon was closest to his first love - Justin Wilson, who "was so immersed in her studies" like Musk himself .
The only problem is a mismatch of interests - Musk was obsessed with space, and Wilson was obsessed with writing.

The solution to the problem is simple - only such couples are needed so that at numerous receptions the men only smile, and the couples speak.
But this decision is only a strategic one.
The problem is in finding such "halves".
One of my 30-year-old projects is Soul Search , a social network focused on finding unanimous people with the same interests and meanings of life.
Finding unanimous people most effectively is with the help of psychological tests.
Existing Social Networks and tests exist separately from each other, they are not linked by goals.

In the 2000s, I found dozens of dating sites on the Internet.
On 2-3 of them there were psychological tests, and not just questionnaires - "what size do you prefer?"
However, these tests were ineffective, inadequate, because:
1. Were compiled on the basis of tests - for career guidance and for the mentally ill;
2. Were focused on a scam - to earn money for those who want marriage.

§ Explanation-digression:

Man is a "program" . That is, the effectiveness of a person was determined not so much by his genes, but by the culture transmitted to him from relatives. That is, there was competition between "programs", and not "hardware", the inferior moron Hitler was 100 years late.
An effective person is one who effectively helped his family in competition with other families.
"Culture" is, first of all, technological skills. For example, most Arctic expeditions of the 19th century stupid arrogant Europeans did not survive, because they did not first adopt the art of survival in the Arctic from the natives.

An effective man required many years of transmission of culture to him.
Natural selection strengthened the instinct of monogamy - for example, a father had to be attached to his family and children at least 5 years old in order to ensure effective transmission of culture to them.
Natural selection has weakened the ability of the human infant to survive on its own - precisely because it was more effective to orient it to long-term learning - at the expense of rapid independence.
The purpose of the instinct of love is to bind parents to their family and children for a long time.

Today, however, humanity can only survive - globally.
Human instincts are not adequate for survival - today.
Today, people are valuable - effective not so much in competition as in solving the global problem of "class" manipulation of people using AI.
It is to increase the efficiency of such people that the Soul Searcher should be oriented .
Accordingly, psychological tests should compile "Profiles" of people precisely from the point of view of their main interest, the meaning of life, and the social network should find people with similar Profiles.

By the way, I defended my thesis in psychology on psychological tests.
True, he did not achieve anything, because he himself did not find unanimous people in this matter, since, perhaps, no one on Earth has yet understood the threat of the death of their great-grandchildren and Civilization, not just unique in its kind, but perhaps the only one in the Universe due to filter work.