Divine works

eng deu рус

Effective psychotherapy:

Antidepressant = self-awareness:

Psychology looks like a scam to me. - It seems to me that she has the wrong problem - 99% of people deal with problems related to feelings - feelings, depression, etc.
But for them there is a simple solution - all feelings can simply be removed, replaced - arbitrarily - without any psychologists, and even more so drugs - with the help of self-awareness training alone.
I mean the feelings that arise in response to the current situation.
Long-term feelings are more difficult. But,
in the 1st, they are not sharp, they do not cause suffering,
in the 2nd, there are few of them - this is just shame and regret.

I state this based on personal experience.
Of course, the experience of transferring this experience to others is needed.
This is a whole scientific direction.
And it is precisely this most useful science that, unfortunately, is not being developed.
Modern "psychoanalysis" is more useful to " psychonanitics " than to their clients
- "There is no profession better than psychology - the patient does not die, but he does not recover either."

Self-awareness = panacea:

By the way, self-awareness is the best means of resistance to propaganda and the best means of education, too.
Self-consciousness is the real psychic basis of the critical, creative, etc. etc. thinking.
Children should not be allowed into an authoritarian school of spiritual deformity - until the age of 18 - it is more important to train their self-awareness - then they will independently learn everything that they need better than with any coaching.

Economic psychology:

There is no main section of psychotherapy - Comparative cost-effectiveness.
In Russia, of course, money, as well as people, is not counted. Everything is done at any cost.
However, there is no economics of psychotherapy in the West either.

Removal of Acute Depression - Example:

Option 1 - expensive and ineffective - Psychotherapist.
Option 2 - cheap and effective - " Kotiko -therapy":
This is not to say that this method is completely unknown and unexplored.
However, in science it is given completely inadequate attention.

You take expired products, go outside, call the cats. -
, rubbing against their legs, joyfully yavchut - they actively share happiness.
Kittens are the most efficient at this.
- With pigeons, for example, the same empathy does not arise,
As with the homeless, people are insincere, unlike cats.




Pedagogy of Self-Consciousness:

The Pedagogy of Self-Consciousness is based not on memorization, but on the training of feedback - on the training of the ability to notice and correct the mistakes and shortcomings of one's own thinking.
Classical pedagogy takes the child's abilities as a given, given by nature, and on this basis tries to teach him something.
The Pedagogy of Self-Consciousness develops, first of all, the ability to learn, leaving learning itself , mainly to independent self-learning.
Classical pedagogy trains a student on 4000 exercises (mathematics textbook for grade 6).
For the Pedagogy of Self-Consciousness, 4 exercises are enough just as exercises, and not as a means of memorizing all possible combinations of 3 schemes.
The mechanism of human thinking and memory is associative.
- A person is designed to understand information not - disparate, but - in relationships.
Related information " collapses ".
This is how memorization happens - through understanding - forever, and not for 1 hour to pass the next test.

The pedagogy of Self-Consciousness is positive:

It is based on - pleasure:
Emotional well-being depends on our ability to develop pleasant emotions such as joy and gratitude.
And the ability to deal with painful emotions like envy and sadness in a healthy way.

Psychology of self-consciousness:

Self-awareness is the difference between a person:

The main mechanism as self-programming . and the effective activity of a person is his Self-Consciousness.
Unfortunately, this main mechanism is the least studied in psychology, and, moreover, it is hardly used in pedagogy, turning the latter almost into sabotage.
In authoritarian states, this is natural - there the goal of pedagogy is to educate the population of moronic performers .
However, Self-awareness training does not apply in "democratic" countries either.

When Self-Consciousness is explored, it will be found that this phenomenon is much more complex than previously thought. This is generally the most difficult area of psychology.
"Mirror tests" of dogs and dolphins measure only certain aspects of Self-Consciousness.


Intelligence Profile - Concept:


IQ ( Intelligence quotient ): Measuring the most complex phenomenon in nature with a single number is profanity and unprofessionalism.


IP ( Intelligence profile ):
- Measurement - intelligent profile.

1. In psychometry, there are many directions for measuring different psychological profiles. Examples: MMPI profile , Personality profile of S. Ritchie and P. Martin.
2. IQ was developed and is used for pragmatic purposes - to determine aptitude, psychodiagnostics, etc.

It is for the purposes of application, in addition to specialized psychological profiles, that a universal "Intelligence Profile" would be effective and more adequate, which would measure general intelligence, but not with one number, but with a set of numbers.
This set of numbers may simply be a collection of scores on individual tests.
Individual tests in modern IQ tests are focused on obtaining - a single result in the form of a single number.
Individual tests in the test for It is advisable to focus IP , however, on a standardized measurement - individual factors of general intelligence.

Intelligence profile can be useful, since for many applied purposes it is required to measure exactly - intellectual characteristics.
In addition, typical psychodiagnostic profiles are very detailed and detailed.
IP can take - an intermediate position between IQ and these profiles.


Must have a very low IQ in order to absolutize IQ .
- IQ in the form of a simple number is invented and used for very narrow, utilitarian purposes.


The secret of youth is in psychology:

Russians suffer from "Materialistic Philosophy"
It combined the vulgar propaganda of communist materialism with disappointment in the spirituality of the same communism.
There was a depreciation of psychology, its substitution by physiology.
In all seriousness, marriage compatibility is reduced in geometric compatibility.
All Russian recipes for rejuvenation refer only to physiological procedures too.
However, at 20 "Baba Yaga" will be old, even without wrinkles.
No "plaster" will hide the facial expressions of the old woman, reflecting her grumpiness, arrogance and cold malice.