Divine works

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Flat Democracy Manifesto:

The goal of Flat Democracy is the survival of a free Humanity.
Flat democracy is the optimal, most existentially sustainable political system in the face of the threats of the digital age.

Separation of powers no longer works:

In the middle of the 19th century, Montesquieu's division of power into 3 branches, a system of checks and balances, worked great in Britain.
In the middle of the 20th century, this was no longer enough. - "Father of German Democracy" Loewenstein strengthened the division of power with the functions of Political control - An independent Supreme Court could prohibit prohibitors - restrictors of freedom.
In the 21st century, this will no longer work in Russia. – Zombification technologies have become much more advanced. Zombies will simply hang the Supreme Judges to their own detriment.

However, Levenshtein also proposed to distribute powers as much as possible.
This is flat democracy - the maximum distribution of powers.

Civil Sovereignty:

The fact that a single empire, a single government has not been formed on Earth, but a single international law is developing is the 999th luck of God and Humanity.
In recent centuries, freedoms and human rights have increased.
Today it is only necessary to have time to give people the independence of no longer masters, but sovereigns.
It is unrealistic for the whole Humanity, but it is possible for separate Communities. -
In the digital age, this is a necessity for its survival-

Power in the digital age is unsustainable. -

On the 1st side - Those in power will use more and more sophisticated ways - to maintain power.
On the 2nd side - Those in power will use more and more sophisticated ways - the use of power.

Moreover, this process is accelerating - to the "Political Singularity" – to complete absolutism with complete liberalism.
People will turn into absolute puppets, in fact, completely lose their freedom of choice.
When those in power, in the 23th century, achieve absolute control over society, they will want to change people. And then get rid of people. It doesn't matter which way.

The future is uncertain:

2 groups of factors that determine the future of mankind can be conditionally distinguished, since they closely interact:
- Political,
- Technological.

The development of different technologies affects the future to varying degrees.
Little influence, for example - the development of transport, energy.
Most of all, the future is influenced among the Technological factors - the development of AI (Artificial Intelligence).

The importance of norms that control the development of technologies is determined, first of all, by social sustainability, since the latter is more important than anything else.
For example, it is disproportionately more important than control of the proliferation of nuclear weapons, the development of viral biotechnologies, and climate change.
However, in contrast to the regulation of the latter , the prospects for social sustainability are not only not controlled, but not even voiced.
The reason for this can only be one - the interest of pseudo-liberal circles in power.

Power should not be profitable:

The threat is the profitability of power. It doesn't matter in what form.
If power is beneficial to those who have it, then they will strive to keep it. - It doesn't matter which way do it.

Maybe - a group of conditional "Stalin" - the supreme ruler who does not have "property" at all, but manages = actually has the resources of the entire state. A group of "Stalin's" close associates builds palaces for themselves and uses "special supplies" in besieged Leningrad.

Maybe - a group of conditional "Putin", who does not receive bribes at all, but uses palaces and yachts - according to complex schemes - through figureheads.

Power is beneficial not only "materially", but also morally - it is the pleasure of disposing of people, in fact, "civilized" possession, for example, of hired slaves.

In the 21st century, there are opportunities for liberal-democratic retention of power.
Propaganda and political technologies using IT can make it possible to imitate the change of rulers, imitate the rule of law and any rights and freedoms for "citizens".
Modern political technologies allow the intriguers of the conditional "Yeltsin" to emerge even with the "cold reset" of the "Maidan" - the victory of the popular uprising.

The state is a political monopoly:

Not only is the authoritarian state a political monopoly, but the state in general is a political monopoly.
The functioning of the State is based on violence.

Take, for example, democratic Switzerland.
In case of any emergency, President Leuthard , implementing the decision of the Parliament, orders the general, the general - the soldier.
The soldier refuses to obey. The general orders other soldiers to arrest the 1st soldier.
The soldier does not allow himself to be arrested - he answers symmetrically. There is a small escalation of the conflict, the soldier is killed, the soldier manages to kill too.

The state was formed not because its functioning was effective for people's lives, but because it was effective for capturing and retaining power.
Moreover, today the state is the main threat to the very existence of people.

The basis of the functioning of the State is negative motivation, coercion.
But it also applies positive motivation – monetary officials and the like. payment from the state budget.
The state functions - due to the monopoly on the state budget.

Non-market political system:

In the US and Europe, there is a non-market , more precisely, semi-market political system.
There was no absolute non-market system even under absolutism. - If the king was completely watered-inadequate, then he was killed, his place was taken by a more adequate one.
With today's quasi -democracy is better off, but not by much.
The notorious "system of checks and balances" is ineffective.
Most importantly, it does not ensure the sustainability of the survival of Mankind in the era of AI.
If British democracy is the best political system of the worst , as Churchill said, then this does not mean that it is the best, and that a better one is impossible.

Non-monopolistic alternative:

The idea, the hypothesis is that a social structure is possible - non-monopolistic , which would at the same time perform all the functions of the State.
It is today's IT , AI allow you to create a similar structure.
Perhaps even the most realistic non-monopolistic structure should also use negative motivation.
The main thing is to create a non-monopolistic structure.
And already in the second stage it can be improved - for example, to exclude coercion, to leave only the voluntary execution of contracts - based on the development of coordination.

In a non-monopolistic system, there should be no single, centralized budget.
All cash payments can be made - P 2 P , horizontally.
At the same time, there may well be ideological leaders, "fuhrers", who, however, do not have any power to directly influence cash flows, to force anyone.


"Flat democracy" is a direction:

Young people in Europe are apolitical, because they consider participation in politics useless, because "everyone is the same", "everything is useless". That is, young people do not see exactly the direction that can radically improve their lives - not only in the sense of even more shopping, but also in the sense of increasing its meaning, increasing real happiness.
They do not see effective directions - because of the suppression of the latter, because of the successful work of "democratic" propaganda.

Between Flat Democracy and existing Hybrid Democracies there is a continuous non-one-dimensional continuum of intermediate states.
Our goal is a continuous movement towards the Flat Society - the only guarantee of the survival of the Free civilization and Humanity.
The theoretical development and practical creation of reconnaissance social-experimental Flat communities is necessary.
IT is the most suitable political economy area for this.

Anarchism is true democracy:

"Flat democracy" is actually a subspecies of Anarchism.
The use of the new term is appropriate:
1. To specify this direction. Anarchism is too diverse.
"Flat democracy" is a union of truly legal non-violent Communities. –
Modern "democratic" states are quasi -legal. -
see State and Law.docx
For details See: http://dw2020.narod.ru
2. Propaganda has developed a negative perception of "anarchism" virtually everywhere.

Maximum competition:

The deliberative network is an instrument of competition with superiors precisely in finding "controlling" decisions.
The development of more effective solutions will help to deprive the executive branch of the exclusive rights to make decisions, and then to eliminate the power itself as such.

Maximum Democracy:

The main argument of the communists was a "vicious circle", a positive feedback - private property creates economic polarization of the population, rich capitalists "buy" parliamentarians, parliamentarians pass laws in the interests of private property.
However, under the communists, there was even less democracy. - The means of production were monopolistically disposed of - partocrats , not the people. And they ruled - in the interests of strengthening their power, too. The laws under the communists were more in line with the interests of the working people, but at the same time the laws simply did not "work".
It is "Flat Democracy" that can give maximum democracy.

No vote:

A flat democracy is a democracy without the institution of elections, without an electoral system, without posts.
They vote -
either with the aim of imposing a decision on a minority, or to select an official who will already impose their own decisions.
From now on, the majority will be subjected to such effective manipulation that they will support decisions that are harmful not only to minorities, but even to themselves.

How to pass laws without voting?

- By joining Communities living under different laws.
That is, anyone can initiate any reform.
If it suits people, then they accept it.
In fact, the principle of consensus operates.

The laws concern mainly the life of the Community itself.
Nothing is forced on other people.
The only exception is security issues.
- Communities agree among themselves on "international" safety standards.

Flat Self Defense:

Basically, law enforcement violence can be flat too.
However, such a system would probably not be sustainable either.

Without taxes:

More precisely - without the provision of taxes by violence.
So-called "Economic" coercive measures are not purely economic, as they are based on violence in the political system.

Taxes are a scam:

In the state, the people "democratically" empower the Government to take taxes from themselves.
But why is an intermediary needed here if people agree to pay taxes?
The mediator has only one function - to ensure equality and justice between people.

Hybrid Mutual Aid:

1. Effective altruism can be at the heart of social organization.
To help those in need in today's wealthy society, effective altruism is enough.
see: Effective Altruism and the Deliberative Network.docx

2. "International" flat civil law within the Communities. Purely economic ensuring equality.
Optimally, however, a hybrid, compromise solution. -
The use of purely economic measures - not using a system of violence - flat-collective, based only on sanctions, similar to those existing in international law.

That is, 100% voluntariness is not real and not optimal.
But real and optimal are "pure" economic relations.

The goal - justice and equality are not.
The goal is - the absence of an intermediary with the emergence of his independent interests.


There is no "market economy":

The so-called "market economy" is not such.
2 main reasons for this:
1. Exclusive right;
2. Irrational people .

Irrational people :

The main reason for the irrational political and economic behavior of people is - neo-"liberal" propaganda.
Today it is stronger and worse than the former communist propaganda.
Moreover, under the influence of it the irrationality of people does not decrease, but increases.
Only directly civilian social flat scientific organization is able to reverse this very dangerous trend.

Neo-"liberalism" = "Trick or Treat":

For example, employees are forced to conclude an agreement, being in unequal conditions with the owners of exclusive rights.
Thus, there is an asymmetry of freedom - the owners have freedom - in contrast to the narrowing of the freedom of non-owners.
Rough analogy: "Freedom of choice" at gunpoint: "Trick or Treat."
Also, the centralized apparatus of violence works primarily to provide opportunities - the owners of various exclusive rights.

Exclusive economy:

Not o- "liberal" economics is non-liberal:

The main factor that makes it such is the exclusive, monopoly rights.
In particular, private ownership of the means of production.
In this the communists were right.
However, the Communists drew a theoretically incorrect conclusion from this, a proposal to correct the imperfection.
- The Marxists proposed to correct the restriction of economic liberalism with the help of an even greater restriction - with the help of nationalization, the nationalization of the means of production.

Exclusive effect illustration:

The purpose of this illustration is to show the mechanism on a simplified, ideal model:

Let's say in the "USA" there is an absolute "Patent Law" -
The intellectual proprietor defended the umbrella wording: "The use of tools for the production of goods."
The owner forbade any "production of goods using tools" without his permission.
The owner issues permits on the condition that he will be given 100% of the income from the sale of goods.
The owner gives part of the income to the "slaves" maximizing - optimizing their income and power.
The owner lobbies legislation that is convenient for him and pays propagandists.
The owner unleashes terrorists = Bailiffs, with the support of the FBI - on those who do not obey his dictates.
Those who disagree and resist with weapons - "USA" terrorists are killed on the spot, occasionally, as in Waco Massacre , for intimidation, is burned alive with children.

The politics and economics of the real US are in the middle.
Intellectual "property" is convenient for illustration, but 100% of the US economy is permeated with such exclusive relationships.
Exclusive relationships are the strongest factor in the "imperfection of the economy" in the US.
concept of Equilibrium in economics also applies to markets with imperfect competition" ( https /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Economic_equilibrium )
"Antimonopoly legislation" removes only a relative - an insignificant share of the monopoly effect, leaving untouched the absolute, universal monopoly.

"Intangible assets" - an indicator of "Imperfections in the economy":

Quite adequately exclusive rights reveals the sale of "assets". -
Often they sell not so much the means of production in the form of physical equipment, but exactly “intangible assets”.

Example - Subsoil Use Permits:

The exclusive right to mine rare earth metals in Europe is issued up to 10-15 years.

Example - Bankruptcy of the "socialist" economy:

It was exclusivity that buried communism. -
The economy of the USSR turned out to be even more "exclusive" than the "capitalist". -
In the USSR, there was no freedom of entrepreneurship, no freedom to choose suppliers and consumers. -
Trading chains were dictated - centrally.

long interest. Non-market economic system:

This is the reason for the collapse of communism.
This is the closure of people's interests through the Center.
The main economic problem in the USSR was the inability of the authorities to please the people.
Until the 1960s, while there was a state of emergency, people were satisfied with the small assortment, the quality of goods and interruptions in supply. Most of the commodities people made for themselves. Industry worked for the war.
But when the CPSU declared the well-being of the people as its goal, it failed.
The centralized commodity supply turned out to be unstable. There were positive feedbacks. When a commodity shortage arose in a region for a group of goods, people bought up the rest faster than the Center could react.

The "red" directors were interested in buying expensive rather than cheap means of production. This made their products more expensive and made it possible to carry out the "Plan" due to this.
see: Alternative Restructuring Anti-economy.docx

People in the USSR understood the idea of the "Market" precisely as the freedom to offer goods and services.

The bankruptcy of the "socialist" economy occurred - due to the abrupt cascading rise in prices - with a sharp emergence of property rights among producers, which they simultaneously began to use.

There is usually a correlation between the Ginny coefficient and the wealth of the rulers.
However, the mechanism here is much more complex than direct bribes.

If people don't compete, they get drunk.
But another system is possible - work for pleasure.

"Flat" economy:

Flat Democracy and Flat Economy:

The purpose of the institution of private property has historically been protection from the state, from the arbitrariness of royal power.
In conditions of flat democracy and the absence of centralized power, there is no need for such protection.
Only in conditions of Flat Democracy can market relations be truly free and liberal.

The "socialization" of the means of production should not consist in a centralized limitation of the rights of producers, but in a complete balance of their rights - among themselves.
Public inclusive institutions are quite real. -
- The norms of a "flat" "sharing" of the means of production are quite realistic - with the help of organizing self-government - without the participation of centralized authorities - by minimizing the rights to the means of production - instead of taking away these rights, and replacing absolute socially significant rights with relative ones.
see: Property Liberalization and Liberal Socialism.docx

capital surplus:

An exclusive economy breeds an excess of capital.
An excess of capital creates not only social polarization, but also strong competition between investors.
Excess investments are directed to dubious projects like dot - com - moms or Masks .

There is a need for more efficient investment mechanisms.
In the context of IT development , such a mechanism is a flat structure.
At the same time, the flat deliberative structure turns out to be a kind of self-negation of excess capital, a large balance mechanism.

A "market" economy is non-market :

The economy of the USSR in many aspects was more market than the "market " - the Western economy.
Yes, in the USSR there were distortions in prices - voluntaristic.
But in the "market " - Western economy there are price distortions - monopoly. -
- The higher the added value, the higher the overpricing.
This is especially true in the pharmaceutical industry.
(See § "Biden is a killer of millions" # "AI-manipulation and the End of History")

A good illustration of the non- market nature of the Western economy was given by Russia during the gas blackmail of Europe during the serial murders of tens of thousands of Ukrainians.
- Russia has reduced the supply of natural gas to a value that is beneficial to it.
Other hydrocarbon suppliers like "democratic" Norway supported Russia on their gas prices - the benefit is more important than chatter about the deaths of Europeans ..
As a result, electricity prices in Europe have risen.
In the same way, prices are collectively set by all manufacturers in the West. – The gas "skew" in prices is <1% of the total skew.
The gas distortion just became noticeable - due to a sharp jump - unlike all the others.

A flat economy will be most competitive precisely in areas with high added value, including the military.
Thus, in Ukraine there was a confluence of conditions - political, cultural, etc., favorable for the development of the Flat community.

Inclusive economy:

The correct formula in one word is - "Inclusive", or - "Lack of exclusivity", or more realistically - "Minimization of exclusivity".
Private property is only a special case of exclusive rights.
In addition to the actual "Private Property" there are still all sorts of licenses. Patents, permits, solutions.

"Pirates" will save God:

Moreover, it is more realistic to start minimizing the exclusivity - from "intangible assets", and, first of all, from the Intellectual pseudo- property , from the rights of publishers to slow down the growth of the economy (by the way, this is the main factor of inhibition), and from the rights of pharmaceutical companies to kill already - a billion people.

Toward the liberalization of patent law:
Private property, and in particular intellectual private "property" is anti-liberalism.
Patent law reform should include :
1. "Prohibition prohibit." - The "owner" of intellectual rights should not prohibit the use of effective technological solutions, he can only demand payment for their use.
2. Intellectual rights must remain with the authors.
Direct developers should not become disenfranchised "laborers" with consolidators -dealers - corporations and publishing houses.


The advantage of the Flat economy on the example of P 2 P - electricity trade:

By 2030, solar panels will become the cheapest source of electricity.
The difference between solar panels is the absence of "scale effect".
On the contrary, here:
With the concentration of production, the cost of electricity rises by 1.5 times.
At retail sales, the price rises again - 2 times.
It is beneficial for people to create cooperative electrical distribution networks , and cooperative batteries.
Example, see: Underground Heat -Electric-Storage Concept.docx

The danger of "communism" in the 21st century:

The goal of communism is social equality, to put it simply.
However, any artificial methods to maintain social equality become dangerous in the 21st century. Even the "soft" version of the social system is dangerous - without the methods of terror.
Any dictatorship is dangerous in the 21st century.
On the 2nd side, with significant social inequality - in "Democratic States" - rich people also have the temptation and financial opportunities to maintain social equality - by special methods.

We are supporters of the goals of communism.
But opponents of the means of communism.
Moreover, the means are not so much terrorist as theoretical.
We are supporters of social equality.
But we are against equality through:
- By restricting economic freedom. At the same time, freedom must be accompanied by legal responsibility;
- By means of a pseudo- " planned" economy, which in fact is a distribution economy - instead of technological planning to increase labor productivity;
- Through state monopoly in all political and economic fields;
- By turning the state into a single factory.

Social equality is only a means of existential stability:

However, for us, equality is only a useful, but side effect, 2-degree effect, and, at the same time, a means.
Our goal is not equality as such, but the survival of "divine" humanity.

Right turn:

Communism is not an ultra-left , but an ultra-right trend, although it carries many left-wing political characteristics.
The main disadvantage of communism is that it requires the KGB (special service) and propaganda.
Communism needs terrorist means to maintain the artificial utopia of extreme monopoly.
Today, propaganda and manipulation are the main threat to Humanity.

However, pseudo- " liberal-democratic" states also need a repressive apparatus - to maintain a moderate artificial monopoly.
In the "Western world" the oligarchy also exists, only - de-personalized and hybrid-democratic .

We are advocates of equality - through the use - of natural mechanisms:
- through the liberalization of property, first of all - "Intellectual" - even more artificial than state property.
- through the prohibition of any prohibition - permits, centralized licenses , patents and exclusive rights;
- through freedom from any coercion - to taxes, duties and excises.

In the organizational aspect, communism is the complete opposite of the Flat structure.
The main "director" of communism is Lenin V.I. created the USSR precisely as a factory = state, as a 100% hierarchy.

The very idea of "People's Democracy" was not bad. -
The legislation of "Sotsstran" was really focused on the protection of workers.
The party (communist) authorities really "listened" to the complaints of the workers:
- in the 1st, it was written down in the Statutes of the CPSU, etc. parties;
- in the 2nd, the CPSU, etc. tried to increase the stability of their position.
The only drawback was the extreme inflexibility of the political system - the dictatorship, in fact, the complete inability to achieve the declared goals, the substitution of propaganda for real improvements.
During Perestroika, there was a chance for a radical modernization of the System, but it failed due to the same monopoly position of the leading " party nomenklatura ".
It was precisely in order to find flexible ways out of the "dead end" that I proposed to start "democratization" - with Deliberative Democracy, in particular, in 1987 I proposed calling our samizdat magazine "Search", and in 1990 I proposed creating a "Consultative Structure" .

Communist error:

The main task of the communists was to be the search for a replacement for the KGB as the pillars of power - legality.
Communism paid the price for its mistake. - When the boss and the "communists" wanted to become traitors, the people did not support communism - the people did not care.

Party is a good idea. But if something "works" wrong, then an analysis and revision of the theory is needed, and not the NKVD and dogmatism.

"Democratic" centralism

FSB- cracy is pure evil:

Terror, the KGB for the sake of the idea - communism were erroneous, but they had at least a vicious, but sense.
Today, the FSB- cracy , dictatorship for the sake of dictatorship, is already pure evil - without meaning.

The United States is really guilty of the Ukrainian-Russian war:

Putin is right, it is the Americans who are guilty of killing Ukrainians and threatening to kill millions of Americans themselves.
The rulers of the United States corrupted the rulers of the USSR. They simply offered them a way to enrich themselves at the expense of the Russians and personal support.
The US rulers created Russia's corrupt system to weaken it and end the arms race.
But such a corrupt -authoritarian system requires an external enemy.

Russia is the biggest threat today:

Having inherited from the USSR a significant artificiality of the political system, the Russian Federation added to it significant social inequality, the stability of which is ensured by the development of technologies of political manipulation and propaganda.

Without licenses :

Example: Land plot for car parking in Russkiy Mir:

Racketeers bribe the chief of police and force local residents to pay for private parking.
Residents fight with the "guards", one resident is killed, the police twist the "organizers", the "court" makes the residents guilty, but not the racketeers.
The pseudo- " People's" "court" and the police in the Russian world do not actually depend on the people. - The people "elect" the President, the President appoints all the others.

"Flat division":

Absence of artificial authorities issuing permits.
IT allows you to negotiate - to all interested parties - directly, without separate intermediaries.
Networked micro-rockets are a natural and economically optimal way to ensure democracy, i.e. advantages – residents – without autonomous police. Residents 100% transparently hire individual "professionals", but the latter are 100% dependent only on residents.
Similarly, issues are resolved with: subsoil, radio frequencies, the environment, etc. limited resources.

Free labor:

Flat democracy is focused not on coercion of performers with the help of unequal Treaties, but on pleasure.
IT allows complex collaborative development to be organized without a concentration of power that limits freedom.
IT today allows the Flat organization with free participation to be more competitive than the hierarchical organization of work.

Consumerism Propaganda :

Consumerism propaganda has a main reason - competition for profit.
Promotion of Consumerism is the main reason for the catastrophic increase in the burden on the environment.
Flat free work for pleasure does not require the propaganda of Consumerism .


Ukraine is a chance for Humanity:

In the 1970s, Germany was the showcase for the "free world".
It had the highest quality of life in the world.
The "capitalists" allowed socialism in Germany, which was implemented by the SPD - because of the competition with the communist camp.

Today for Western "capitalists" there are 2 temptations:
1. Use manipulative "developments" that are used by authoritarian rulers - for personal enrichment;
2. Allow super-democratic, "flat" communities to exist - to compete with the authoritarian world, since the latter brings losses to Western states - in general, and most importantly - threatens the very existence of all assets, including the population.

It is in Ukraine that there are anarchist historical traditions and weak state power - even in conditions of war.
It is in Ukraine that they can allow the existence of flat communities of developers for the sake of eliminating the nuclear threat from the Russian Federation.
At the same time, the denuclearization of the Russian Federation with the help of flat communities of developers is quite real and does not even require investments.


This "Manifesto" is only a "seed" for its collective effective development.

They ban us - in " Muscovy ", in the East and in the West, in social networks and on the Forums.
But in the age of the Internet, ideas cannot be blocked!
Please help us improve this Manifesto , including with the help of constructive criticism.


" Konnor "