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Why do Ukrainians need the Deliberative Network?:

Ukrainians are also guilty of the War:

True, not at all in the way that the Kremlin propaganda accuses them of.
Ukrainians themselves are to blame for separatism in the Donbass.
Salaries in the Donbass were noticeably lower than in the neighboring Rostov region of Russia.
This was the main reason why the silent majority of the population of Donbass agreed to move to Russia. This, in fact, was the primary cause of the War.
The intimidation of Bandera by Kremlin propaganda was not very successful.
It didn't play the main role.
The Kremlin blames its own failures on propaganda.
Donetsk residents in Ukraine were simply disappointed.

Before the Maidan, Ukrainians voted either for some rulers, or for others , but did not wait for a noticeable increase in the standard of living.
And then the Ukrainians decided to demand that Ukraine be transferred to the EU, passively hoping that the EU would do everything for them.
The Donetsk people decided that if Western Ukraine joins the EU, then we'd better move to Russia.
- Europe for the people of Donetsk was "a pie in the sky". - The EU has completely different legislation, it is still unknown whether the EU will accept corrupt Ukraine, and whether Ukrainians in the EU will remain a cheap labor force.
For the Donetsk people , Russia, which is close in every sense, was "a tit in the hand."

The Ukrainians themselves pushed the Donbass to Russia:

After 2014, the Ukrainians only exacerbated their mistake. -
Instead of attracting the people of Donetsk , they tried to punish them - they cut off the supply of goods, threatened the "traitors" with persecution.
- In fact, they continued to push them to Russia.
The Ukrainians accelerated Ukrainization, the "frontline" regions ceased to be Russian-speaking.
On the other hand, Donbass has strengthened economic and cultural ties with Russia.
Today, the border between Russia and Ukraine de facto already lies along the front line.
Today, Ukrainians will have to conquer Donbass, not liberate them.

Missed Opportunity:

And, nevertheless, there was an opportunity to hand over the richer Russians and thus prevent separatism in the Donbass. -
The Ukrainians had to rely not on any parties or presidents, but on their own to develop laws, to "build" Ukraine themselves.
It could have started with the construction of a directly popular social and scientific structure.
This is exactly what I initiated 3 times in 1990 . - It was possible to avoid both the Maidan and the War.

see: You have to rely on yourself.docx

Problem for Ukraine:

The purpose of developing political decisions in the Administration of the President of Ukraine is to realize the interests of the Presidential Administration.
The presidential administration depends on the oligarchs and the people.
The administration has to please the oligarchs, but the people can simply be fooled.
That is, political decisions in the Presidential Administration turn out to be -
In form - beautiful for the people,
In terms of content - useful for the oligarchs, but anti-people because of the antagonism of the interests of the oligarchs and the people.

Example: Constitution of the Russian Federation (Russian Federation) 2020:

The draft Constitution of the Russian Federation contained a couple of useful new clauses and many anti-people ones .
Propaganda focused the attention of suckers on useful points, perverting even these points when presenting them, and kept silent about the harmful ones.
The propaganda created the appearance of a debate on television in which no one mentioned the harmful points.
As a result, the people voted for a generally anti-people constitution.

Ukraine is still in the "Russian world":

In Ukraine, political debates are freer than in Russia, but the problem is that the debates are already developed projects.
A number of manipulations are applied, for example, the manipulation of choosing between very bad and bad.
When developing a draft, the Administration immediately focuses on closed debates of pseudo-representatives of the people and lobbyists of the oligarchs. Moreover, the latter are stronger than the former.
In the Administration, as a rule, even at the stage of drafting a project, they guess the future compromise and, quite "professionally", manipulate the process of coming to it.

When the project has already been "discussed", it turns out to be convincing enough for suckers.
The "professional" political technologists and propagandists hired by the oligarchs are able to convince suckers even that black is white.
The "professionalism" of a politician in such a system lies in the ability to demagogy, and not in finding truly effective solutions.

Moreover, the muddy waters of political issues become more complicated following the complication of production technologies. -
In the Stone Age, questions were simpler, for example, whether to eat or not to eat children of a neighboring tribe, or is it better to raise warriors of your own tribe from them.

"Professionalism" is one of the methods of demagogy:
We are for professionalism.
How is professionalism measured? - The standard of living of ordinary Ukrainians.
The effectiveness of a professional is not determined by personal qualities. “You don’t need a professional pest, do you?”
The main factor in the benefits of professionalism is organization.
We are for professionals to work efficiently – in efficient structures.

Does Ukraine need to go to Europe?:

Why do Ukrainians want to go to Europe?
Because life is better there.
But the EU does not let Ukraine into it, since the political system of Ukraine is still in the "Russian world".
The administrations of the President of Ukraine have been imitating Ukraine's approach to the EU for decades.

But Ukrainians do not need Europe as such, but a better life.
And for this there is no need to hope that the EU administration will solve all the problems instead of the Ukrainians themselves.

Paradoxically, Ukrainians are now the most democratic nation in the world in terms of "settlement".
Not English. -
For the British, political decisions are developed mainly - in the NPF ( National Policy Forum Labor Party (UK))
However, the pro-national efficiency of this mechanism is somewhere around 50%, if we take RF as 0, and objectively optimal solutions as 100%.
The English are obsolete. - Concerning other nations.

But Ukrainians can solve their problems only by radical methods.
It is important here not to fall for the next scam - radical does not mean effective.
The "Divide and Conquer" manipulation is used not only in the Russian Federation, but also in Ukraine.
It is used, for example, together with the Manipulation of external showiness - in language policy. - Suckers are easily led in the wrong direction. For example, to imagine that the Jews or the Russian language are to blame for everything.
- In the eyes of Russians, Ukrainians will indeed turn out to be nationalists who hate everything Russian.
- Kiev politicians will kiss with Moscow and rejoice at how cleverly they spent the suckers of all countries.

Directly social social science:

The organization of state-controlled science is unscientific. Especially in authoritarian states:
The state controls science through licensing the awarding of academic degrees and scientific activity itself, through the financing of science and government orders.
The main function of academic degrees in states is administrative.
1. Those traditions of scientific "labor" that are most suitable for this have been conserved.
Today, the processing of "sources" almost does not make sense. - AI copes with it more effectively than the "scientists" of the "Russian world".
The requirements for obtaining academic degrees are completely inadequate to modern society and economy.
2. The disunity of "scientists " - performers of individual tasks greatly reduces the effectiveness of their work.
Modern IT is able to provide an incomparably higher efficiency of interaction between numerous scientists, in contrast to the ancient world.
3. Officials from science through VAK-i , editorial boards of publications, etc. control personnel policy.
This is expressed, in particular, in nepotism and corruption.

Idea of the Deliberative Network:

The idea of the Deliberative Network is to organize - not directly popular - in the development of political decisions.
Such an opportunity has appeared only now - with the advent of IT .
In 1990, I tried to create an "Deliberative Structure" based on the USSR Post, but this was ineffective. We then lived not far from Gulyai Pole, near Melitopol.
In addition, everyone around believed that the "Invisible Hand of the Market" would miraculously do everything by itself.
Disillusioned, the suckers decided to return to the old proven Dictatorship.

The design of the Deliberative network - see http://dw2020.narod.ru/

Assistance to the Government of Ukraine:

Much of the work of the Government is so suboptimal that it is difficult to distinguish it from sabotage and sabotage. This is especially true of Oboronprom .
According to the Constitution, the Government must work for the people of Ukraine.
However, the political system of the state is completely inadequate for this purpose. -
The Verkhovna Rada, together with the President, appoints the Prime Minister and the Ministers.
The ministries form their own organization.
Such a system too indirectly reflects the interests of the people.
It lends itself to a greater influence - economic monopolists than millions of disunited people.

Parliamentary Commissions:

The Commissions of the Verkhovna Rada work with the Government.
Firstly, the Verkhovna Rada creates such an electoral system that often the same proteges of economic monopolists end up in the commissions. A vicious circle is formed.
Secondly, the deputies of the millet commissions do not have the opportunity to control the Government - because of their small number and busyness with numerous legislative issues.

Idea: Public assistance to the Government of Ukraine:

Today it is possible to create an IT -mechanism and appropriate legislation for the interaction of a free deliberative democracy with government departments.
Today, in many countries, the so-called "public participation" in the decisions of authorities at various levels is in vogue.
However, almost without exception, "participation" rather performs the functions of:
- analyzing public opinion, and
- channeling discontent. All decisions are still made by officials.

Today it is possible to create an open IT is a mechanism for deep scientific optimization of all operational decisions made - with the free participation of citizens.
The mechanism of responsibility can be based precisely on the mechanism of openness and transparency.

The aim of the people's assistance to the Government is the liquidation of the Government. -
- The government in its current form is unstable and represents a manipulative danger for the survival of a free civilization.
The task is to gradually replace all the functions of the Government with a flat organization for coordinating the life of people.

Instead of bosses:

As a matter of principle, we are not engaged in the implementation of what the Ukrainian authorities are proposing.
We will cooperate with the authorities, but we will only do what we ourselves decide.
Our goal is to reach the barrier where the Flat structure will process information better than the existing hierarchical one.
Perhaps now the Government of Ukraine is finding solutions better than ours .
“Now they have better information.

"No alternative":

In Russia and in the authoritarian world, whose share is = 80% of the world's population, they have successfully made politics a fiction with imitation of elections and with a simulation of political freedoms.
Having killed the possibility of developing any alternatives, the authorities at the same time cynically and mockingly declare that they have no alternative.
In an authoritarian world, if they participate in voting, then they are against all proteges of the regimes. - The authorities themselves make destructive - the entire population.
In "democratic" Europe, apoliticality is also growing. “Young people don’t go to the polls.
Their main explanation is "My participation in the elections will not affect anything."
Indeed, there is a systemic degeneration of political - party, etc. systems through monopolistic mechanisms and the development of political and psycho - technologies

The goal of the Deliberative Network Project is to create "off-system" opportunities for the development of political alternatives - using modern IT capabilities.
In this case, one cannot rely on the help of "democratic" European institutions. – The latter are not interested in simplifying the policy either.
On the 1st side, in the 21st century political activity has become more impotent than in the 19th century. But -
On the 2nd side, in the 21st century, opportunities have appeared - without-mediocre, direct and "parallel" political organization and activity.

Moreover, there really is no alternative to the latter organization.
- An alternative to the "Deliberative Network" in the conditions of the AI -singularity is the death of the unique Humanity and the meaning of the Universe.

" Konnor "