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Personal Message #17:

I am sure that we can save more than one thousand Ukrainians from death.
And it only takes a few people to get things going.

I'm looking for people with whom there would be just an understanding of each other - for the 10th year, and I can't find it.
5 Facebook accounts banned ;
Banned on ≈50 web forums , incl . Ukrainian, 5 European countries, USA, etc. And nowhere have I ever violated the Agreements of the forums;
To ≈500 email addresses of various NGOs, the NPO sent. They don't really answer.
Posted vacancies to find volunteers,
The impression is that FSB moderators and secretaries have been introduced everywhere.

I decided to sacrifice internet activity so as not to cause opposition:
In 2021, almost and in 2022, I didn’t post anything on social networks at all, I didn’t write on forums, blogs, etc. Didn't comment anywhere. On 01.05.22, he only posted, according to tradition, naked texts on his unknown website.
He focused exclusively on personal messages that no one except the addressee sees. I am looking for recipients who are clearly not FSB agents.
Or is the reason for the lack of answers not in opposition? Then what? Answer please.

Yes, I write in non-standard language.
But I will gladly correct any shortcomings, listen to any constructive positive criticism.
The whole problem is that in 9 years there has never been one.

For example, in the Come Back Alive Foundation, they really don’t want Ukrainians to return alive, in fact they want them dead, because otherwise they would use every opportunity to save lives, they would respond to any adequate proposals.
If the "traitors in the headquarters" could not cope with the Ukrainians (on the same "Come back alive" " Parubiy's assistant shouted into the phone: who authorized you?"), And they had to call for Putin's help, then to prevent foreigners - the bosses = "Russian world" Ukraine has been successful so far.

Only 2 reasons (groups of reasons) can be your non-response (Considering it incredible that this message does not reach you)?:
1. You are a fan of the "Russian World", an FSB agent who is indifferent to the deaths of Ukrainians, or the like.
2. Obsessed with prejudice. - Based on the style of the message alone, you conclude that I can not offer anything useful to reduce the number of deaths of Ukrainians that is worthy of your attention.
I do not ask for your attention, just forward, please, (in 2 clicks) the message to someone who may be interested in it.

I'll try to get out of the shadows - post it on Twitter - maybe the moderators have changed there.

" Konnor "


Personal Message #16:

The problem is that we don't have feedback.

Perhaps they do not start a dialogue with us, because they believe that we, "amateurs" discussing politics, are not needed, since there are "responsible" bodies for this, "competent", that is, who have complete information.
But we do not hope to replace the Ukrainian Oboronprom , for example.
We only believe that a civil discussion of " Oboronprom ", for example, is necessary for the effectiveness of the latter - for the Ukrainians.
The “Russian world”, from which the Ukrainians decided to leave, lies in the fact that the authorities are not controlled by society.
This, in particular, gives rise to corruption in Ukraine, hinders Ukraine's integration into the EU.

There are numerous studies and evidence that "responsible" bodies, working only for themselves, for the authorities, turn out to be completely irresponsible in relation to people.
In the same Russian Federation, responsibility to a narrow circle comes to the massacres of Chechens and the blowing up of "Ryazan" houses.
Ukraine is still actually in the same "Russian world".
The leadership of the same " Oboronprom " turned out to be just traitors.
There are numerous studies and evidence that the "competence" of "independent" authorities is systematically used by them - to the detriment of people.
There are also studies showing the tendentiousness of official political science, which is dependent on the authorities.

"Partisan" - "amateurish", dozens of times cheaper technologies affect the success of the Armed Forces of Ukraine more than the developments of the same " Oboronprom ",
However, nevertheless, "activist" technologies also lose dozens of times to the official ones in terms of scientific organization, in terms of the scale of scientific research, publications, and discussions.
Our hypothesis is that:
- It is necessary to strengthen what is more effective, and in what
- The main factor of technological success is success - scientific. -
If the scale of "guerrilla" science exceeds the scale of the official one, then the effectiveness of "activist" technologies will surpass the official ones not many times, but dozens of times.

Due to the inefficiency of the "Russian World", the ten times more armed and militarized Russian Federation is losing the war to only slightly more democratic Ukraine.
Our hypothesis is that:
- The democratic factor is one of the most significant in this victory, which
- Many times more democratic and effective - "partisan" organizations are possible, and that
- Using the latter, it is possible to completely eliminate the threat to peace posed by the "Russian World", as well as avoid the deaths of tens of thousands of Ukrainians.

" Konnor " & K



Appeal No. 15.

We have very useful and concrete proposals to save the lives of Ukrainians.
We sent them to many patriotic NGOs in Ukraine, published them on social networks and on the Forums since December 2013.
The NGO did not answer us, they banned us in social networks and on the Forums.

Why don't they answer us and ban us?
It's not that we're talking nonsense.
The point is not that in all anti-Russian organizations the FSB has seated its agents as secretaries, as well as all moderators in all social networks.
It's not that everyone in these organizations is very busy defending against the aggression of the Russian Federation. - You can just do it - so that it is not clear more benefit from it or harm, but you can do it - effectively.

The reason is the culture of the "Russian World", for which the Ukrainians are actually fighting.
"Russian World" is not the Russian Federation, and not "traditional values", but the Command System.
The dictatorship in the Russian Federation is maintained - with the help of the Command, hierarchical system.
In Ukraine, in 2013, the dictatorship was overthrown, but the hierarchical system remained.
She only adopted patriotic slogans instead of pro-Russian ones.
The EU is trying to impose on the Government of Ukraine a change from a hierarchical system to a democratic one. The EU is doing this instead of the Ukrainians themselves!
One of the reasons for the Putinists' aggression against Ukraine is the degradation of the hierarchical system in the latter. – Spread of autonomy both locally and in organizations.
- Thanks to real democratization, Ukrainians set a "bad" example for culturally close Russians.

However, the Government of Ukraine is sabotaging the process of democratization, engaging in mimicry even before the European Commission.
It fights in every possible way against " partisanism ".
It eliminates independent military formations and engineering units.
Naturally, it does this under the pretext of the latter's inefficiency .
Although, on the contrary, NGOs are more effective than state ones.
- For example, there were many state programs for UAVs (" Spectator ", "Aist-100", "Turtle Dove", "from scientists" (http://24tv.ua/potuzhniy_boyoviy_bezpilotnik_rozrobili_ukrayinski_vcheni_n663659)).
Tens of times more money was "mastered" than that of the "partisans" (" Air reconnaissance ", etc.)
However, the real effect on the front from "partisans" is greater than from state programs.
Self-employment won the war:
Amateur performance - near Kyiv. The war went "wrong" only because of the initiative, which was not punished in time.
Amateur - aerial reconnaissance .

Probably, we encounter misunderstanding among the Ukrainians because we want to help the Ukrainians themselves, including in the democratization of the political system of Ukraine.
- For Ukrainians, only what is being done is still valuable - on command.

How to find people who want to do "business", and not just " blabbermouth ".
Are such people already busy with "business"?
But the first factor in the effectiveness of the "case" is organizational.
- You can just "shake", but you can - effectively.
How to find people who agree to discuss our proposals for the organization of the "process"?
It's not just a "theory". The ability to save a lot of lives depends on it.

The inefficiency of the Command System in Ukraine lies, among other things, in the fact that the efficiency of the use of human capital is ≈ 1%.
Officials are like dogs in the manger - they themselves cannot, and they do not give it to others.
This is a waste of opportunities to save a lot of lives. This is the indirect murder of thousands of Ukrainians.
People who have ideas and desires remain scattered, despite numerous volunteer initiatives.
If initiatives are developed, then again - in the form of mini-dictatorships.
And 1 in the field is not a warrior, especially in the age of modern technology.
How to find people who want to be found and are not yet involved in hierarchical structures or understand that they can be involved - better?
If you do not want to help us, then help the Ukrainians by giving us the contact of someone who can help, please.

" Konnor " & K



Appeal 14

We have 100 ideas "in a million" highly useful, we are sure, for Ukraine and Ukrainians.
However, we cannot find like-minded people who would like to implement these ideas with us.
Perhaps, after reading the 1st, non-standard idea, it seems absurd to people. They don't read further. And they don't answer us at all.
Let's say they're right - 99% of the sentences are nonsense. But if 1 idea in a million turns out to be really useful, then it will pay off the work of getting to know our ideas. Is not it?
We ask you to express at least some criticism of our ideas so that we offer highly reliable ideas in the first place and thus reduce the time for reading them.

Perhaps another factor works more - in social networks, on forums and in NGOs . including the Ukrainians, a significant presence of moderators and correspondence secretaries cooperating with the FSB.
The FSB tries to ban highly useful ideas. We are recognized under different accounts.
For the last 2 years we have been trying to write - in a " personal " - directly to the activists.
However, it is very difficult to break through spam filters, which are also configured by centralized algorithms.
If someone answers, then it is people who are busy with completely different things, and whose cooperation with us is really difficult.
T e FSB is winning so far (
What do you advise ?

Perhaps the third reason is the non-standard of our views. - In the "Russian World" = Ukraine, everyone has the same opinion.


Appeal 13

We have ideas on how to reduce human losses in the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
We are looking for people who would be interested in our ideas to consider.
After all, every person is someone's son, father, brother. And you need to use every opportunity to save lives ?

The Ukrainians defeat the Russians not because of genetic or cultural superiority, but because of the superiority of the Free Society over the "Russian World".
The "Russian world" is not the Russian language and homophobic "values", it is a command, hierarchical system, it is a dictatorship.
Putinites attacked Ukraine, that's why . that the prosperity of the culturally close Free Ukraine is the main threat to the "Russian world".

But the Free Society can not only give not only a better quality of life to ordinary people.
A free society is more competitive. Including on the battlefield. - Ukrainians are superior to Russians due to free creativity . with free initiative, independence.

Our proposal is to realize the superiority of the Free Society - to save the lives of Ukrainians.
And for this, creativity on the battlefield is not enough, for this you need a creative weapon.
Moreover, it is quite possible to create it - also on your own.
Technical creativity was one of the main factors in the victory of the Israelis in 1967 over the Arabs, which outnumbered them by 20 times .

Please advise - How to find people who are not indifferent to the deaths of Ukrainians ?
- Apply to personal E -contacts, in social networks, on web -forums ?
We have well-developed specifics for 30 years, experience incl . in Ukraine and calculations.

Unfortunately, the Government of Ukraine is still in the "Russian World". The Government of Ukraine is full of saboteurs and simply FSB agents.
The best way is not through Paris - not to try to force the Government of Ukraine to implement EU standards - Officials are professionals precisely in simulation, mimicry.
Optimal is independent action - something that already now brings victory on the battlefield. So far, unfortunately, at the cost of a lot of blood.

The paradox and mockery of officials lies in the fact that with an extreme shortage of workers in the military-industrial complex, unemployment is growing in Ukraine.
Public money is spent extremely non-optimally.
There is no time to reform the Government - you just need to act independently. - P 2 P - to master the donations of Europeans and Americans, independently export weapons, as do the few Israelis, Estonians, Norwegians.

Glory to Ukraine.
" Konnor "



Appeal 12

We have ideas on how to reduce human losses in the war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.
We are looking for people who would be interested in our ideas to consider.
After all, every person is someone's son, father, brother. And you need to use every opportunity to save lives ?

We admit right away that for us the preservation of the state of Ukraine in its modern form is a secondary goal. - Now Ukraine belongs to the "Russian world". And a military victory is unlikely to change Ukraine radically.
We are more concerned about the survival of humanity in the digital age.
The greatest threat to this today is the Russian Federation.
We want to help Ukrainians in the war against the Russian Federation. But to help - not just by helping the state of Ukraine, but - by creating "flat" structures.
"Flat" structures, we are sure, are at the same time the most effective means:
1. Victory in the war;
2. Reduction of human losses on it;
3. The survival of humanity.

The problem is that our ideas are not standard. -
To understand them, you need to familiarize yourself with them a little more.
But now the majority of Ukrainians have little time - everyone is busy solving momentary problems.
That is why we are looking for people:
1. With a philosophical mindset;
2. Those who are not 100% busy with current issues - due to certain circumstances.

There are very few such people.
We admit that we did mailings to hundreds of E -addresses - even before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We wrote on dozens of web -forums, in social networks. - To no avail.
We will be very grateful to you if you simply advise us how to find at least a few people who would not be indifferent to the deaths of tens of thousands of Ukrainians, and who would not want to leave their children a permanent war with Russia.

Let's say 90% of what we offer is "global" nonsense.
But if even only 10% of our proposals are adequate - for "local" applications, then this is enough to make them very useful.

Glory to Ukraine.
" Konnor "


Appeal 22

Would you advise how to solve a difficult problem?
We have an idea for a Flat Organization that should ultimately save lives.
But everyone brushes it off, like - "What the hell are drones if the guys don't have basic things."
But the most productive things are complex. It's hard to even explain them.

On the 2nd side, not everyone is busy with elementary things.
There are many activists who, due to health or the like, cannot be with a machine gun in the fields. Among them there should be many who have time to understand more complex things that can be very useful.
The question is - how to find such people? Please advise.

The essence of this flat structure is a combination of internal competition and unity.
Participants will not be interested in monopoly hiding secrets from comrades, since they will receive payment - after the joint result (Gift Economy).
Participants will be interested - to jointly search for the most effective solutions.

Flat organization, for example, scientific and technical development today has a potential advantage over the hierarchical one.
However, so far only - potential.
Ukraine may win anyway, but in order to save more lives, it is necessary to find a Flat Organization that has an advantage and implement it.
At the same time - to save humanity.

We even have a dozen specific competitive calculations - how to reduce the loss of fighters in the field - by an order of magnitude.
Can you name a few ordinary activists out of 32,000, for example, SOS Army , to whom these calculations can be shown? The main thing is that they should not be agents of the FSB .

Realizing a flat structure is very difficult. Yes, it's an adventure. But there is no other way.
If successful, several thousand lives could be saved. Someone's sons, husbands.
The question is - how to find people who are willing to try? Bonus, by the way - the salvation of mankind.
In Ukraine now there is a rare combination of opportunity and necessity.

"Without the support of the state, without the support of business, which should be interested in this, there will be no movement forward. We will not be able to accumulate so many funds."
- Must be accumulated . There is no other way out.
This is not about sponsors, but about a flat own business form.
And specifically in Ukraine, it is optimal - not to try to impose on saboteurs, not to "let through the prosecutor's office", but to "get around the mountain" - to compete for the money allocated by the countries of Europe, the US Congress to support Ukraine - to compete with Boeing , Lockheed , and Oboronprom .
Start with small programs. For example - from the same observation and micro-cruise missiles.

There are trillions of dollars in the military.
The competitiveness of a flat organization can take them away for the most effective RF denuclearization .
The defense industry can be new "bread" for Ukrainians.
The main export advantage of Ukrainians is a practical test.
Complexity is in scale. And this is also an organizational factor.
What volunteers do is good, but:
- The scale must be larger than that of the APU,
- The work of volunteers should be the main one for them, and their "salary" - more than in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Events in Ukraine can be significant - for the history of the world.
It is difficult to explain this relationship. It is also difficult to even state the "global" problem. Otherwise, it would have already been done.
It's not climate control or the like. the threat is all nonsense, to put it bluntly.
The main threat is described in more detail, though not entirely successfully, at http://dw2020.narod.ru/

" Connor ", AirBike0@gmail.com


Personal Statement No. 18:

What worries me most in life is the highly probable end of humanity in 300 years.
This will happen as a result of the development of psycho -manipulation technologies now.
The way to avoid death is the development of "flat" social structures.
Flat design is the best way to do this.
My technical concepts are just the seeds for Flat Development.
Their value lies precisely in their use.
Registration of authorship is necessary only to prevent these concepts from being developed - hierarchical corporations.
Money plays a 3-power role here. Although at stake are trillions, and even quadrillions of dollars.

You are a psychologist.
it is necessary to "catch" people, explain the existential threat to them, and attract them to a flat structure. For example, there is no climate threat at all, and nuclear , biological, etc. are insignificant.
You also love technology. That is, you can study - in detail.

" Connor "